Health and Environment
The P-STEP App is a walking app that aims to help you achieve a weekly walking goal, just as little as five minutes of walking three times a week can be beneficial to your health.
The P-STEP program aims to help you achieve at least 150 minutes of walking per week in a safe and progressive way. Your first goal is based on doing 35 minutes more walking per week than you currently do, which equates to an average of 5 minutes per day. This is consistent with the minimum needed for health benefits.
Once you have achieved this goal for 2 weeks, the program will adapt and increase your goal by a further 35 minutes per week. This will repeat until you achieve 150 minutes per week. Once you achieve 150 minutes per week of walking, you will be supported in maintaining this level. You can edit your suggested goals and progress at your own rate at any time.

The P-STEP app will provide users information on the following environmental information
Air quality
Air quality emissions that impact human health and activity through short- or long-term exposure. These include a variety of gases (nitrogen, ozone, ammonia, etc.) and particles (salt spray, dust, heavy metals, organic aerosols). Air pollutants can be emitted from various sources both man-made (vehicle exhausts, factories, towns, and homes) and natural (wildfires, volcanoes) and can also be transported from one area to another depending on the meteorological conditions (wind, temperature). The P-STEP app will provide, where available data on the following pollutants:
P-STEP will also provide information on other environmental factors that may impact a user’s health
Frequently asked questions